Stephen Crowders “Change my Mind” coming to the UK!!! Hosted by Students Against Tyranny with James Harvey sitting in the hot seat.
Starting at Swansea University on the 5th September at 11am, a topic will be chosen with the caption “change my mind” in the hope of encouraging students to debate James if they disagree with his stance on the specified topic.
This will be recorded and the full raw video will be uploaded to the Students Against Tyranny website.
Consider this a pilot, so if the response is in favour of this being turned into a series, then we’ll be travelling the UK, visiting universities in order to debate students and expose them to new concepts, with different hosts from within Students Against Tyranny.
If you have a topic, you would like us to explore, please let us know by emailing changemymind@studentsagainsttyranny.com
Let’s bring free speech and structured debate back to universities!
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