Wes University Tour: Sheffield Hallam University

SHU SHU Owen Building Entrance, Hallam Square, Sheffield City Centre,, Sheffield

We are touring people! Young people at university are completely oblivious to what is going on. The indoctrination at these campuses are crazy. It's time to bring them the other side of the story!

Wes University Tour: Manchester University

MMU All Saints Park - entrance at Oxford Road

It’s Friday! It’s cash day! This week we will be outside Manchester Metropolitan University to talk to the students and give out leaflets. The MMU is now cashless! Even the vending machines are cashless!

Wes University Tour: Beckett University

beckett university Leeds Beckett Students Union, Portland Building,, Leeds

The tour continues la famille! We head to Leeds Beckett to educate them on the cashless society/social credit system!

Wes University Tour: Liverpool University

liverpool university Liverpool Guild of students

I will be posted up Liverpool Wednesday to outreach on the cashless society/ social credit system come through if you're free.

Wes University Tour: Liverpool University

liverpool university Liverpool Guild of students

I will be posted up Liverpool on Wednesday to outreach on the cashless society/ social credit system come through if you're free.

Wes University Tour: University of York

university of york Greg's Place Heslington, York

We'll be at York to raise awareness about the social credit system/ cashless society