Live updates from UEA Sportspark

Inclusivity Over Safety

Just over a year ago, there was an incident at the UEA Sportspark where a MAN was spotted in the female changing rooms TWICE. A woman brought her concerns to staff, who responded that it would be “discriminatory” to question the MAN in the female changing rooms.

Questions Asked, No Answers Received

After the EDP released an article on this, public outrage forced the UEA Sportspark to release a statement. This statement, which can be found here, didn’t answer anyones questions or concerns. James himself has phoned the Sportspark and they directed him to this statement. The statement makes no issue of the man spotted in the female changing room, and doesn’t answer the core question being asked; what is their position on transgenders choosing the changing facilities they use.

UEA Campus is Ripe with Sex-Related Crimes

Between 2018 and 2022 there have been 40 rapes on UEA’s campus. You would think that a movement who has brought to light a supposed “rape culture” over the last few years, you would think more would be done to prevent men in women changing rooms, however, that appears to be of low priority to the crowd that solely cares about the moral superiority complex and ego stroking linked to virtue signaling.

We want answers from the UEA Sportspark.


This isn’t the first time the University of East Anglia has come under fire in the last few years. In 2018, the university was demonising neuro-divergent students who disagree with transgenderism as an ideology. I wish to make it clear, Students Against Tyranny finds nothing wrong with people (over the age of 18) making a serious medical decision about their bodies. Our issue comes when this ideology is constantly shoved down our throats, pushed on kids, imposed on athletes and people using the bathroom, and when our language is policed.

In 2018, supposedly “transphobic” stickers were placed around the UEA campus, which led to a full police investigation with university staff providing support in it. The university also offered therapy to those ‘womanphobes’ effected by the stickers.

The UEA is known as one of the most “progressive” universities in the UK, and is also a member of the Race Equality (REC) and Athena Swan (ASC) charters. The REC is an independent reward scheme that aims to reward universities which promote a cultural marxist intersectional narrative and support those from “underrepresented” communities, even at the risk of indigenous people. The ASC is an independent reward scheme for promoting gender equality in academia. The UEA has won a bronze ASC reward, and is yet to receive one from the REC – this means that the UEA is yet to submit a plan which aligns with the core values of the REC.

Their priorities are in the wrong place. How can they purport to be about “gender equality” and even receive an award for it, when they ommitt the special privileges and spaces laid out just for women… like women bathrooms and changing rooms.

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